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Determine the NSIndexPath of a UITableViewCell when a sub-view is tapped

·2 mins

I do a fair amount of iOS consulting work for clients who have outsourced their iOS code development. My work usually involves code review and final steps to help them successfully submit their app to the App Store. While it will always work out cheaper for my clients to outsource (usually offshore), the quality of the code received by most is um, questionable. My clients might get a functional UI which follows a specific design but under the hood, the house is a mess!

An example of this – figuring out the NSIndexPath of a UITableViewCell when a sub-view (eg UIButton, UIImageView) is tapped within the cell. Two of my ‘favorite’ solutions:
– use the tag property on the button or the image view to store the index path. ugh.
– create a variable within the cell instance (assuming there was an abstraction of table view cell code!) to track the index path of the enclosing cell.

A much better approach – take advantage of the UIEvent associated with the user touch event. In this example, I have a reset button contained within my UITableViewCell with the following target:

[resetButton addTarget:self action:@selector(resetButtonTapped:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

For legibility, I’ve refactored the UITouch variable but it could be easily inlined too.

`-(void) resetButtonTapped:(UIButton*)button withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
UITouch *touch = [

NSIndexPath * indexPath = [self.tableViewindexPathForRowAtPoint: [touch locationInView: self.tableView]];
NSLog(@"index path %@", indexPath);